The offered 1N5408 general purpose power rectifier diodes are widely used in AC-DC conversion & switching applications. Kindly note that this product is originally listed & brought for selling by “electronics_store4u” store which exclusively assure authenticity of the product.
1N5408 can easily be replaced with other diodes of its series. Which are 1N5400, 1N5401, 1N5402, 1N5404, 1N5406, and 1N5407. The only differences between these diodes are the ?Peak repetitive reverse voltage? and ?Non repetitive reverse voltage but as far as you are using them in 12V to 24V circuitry then there will be no issue. But if you are using them in above 12V to 24V circuitry then you must check their ?Peak repetitive and Non Repetitive revers voltages? and you must select higher ?Peak repetitive reverse voltage? than your operating voltage. Other possible equivalents are P300M, CR3-100, CR3-120, G3M, FR307, FR607, HER508, and V3510.
1N5408 is a diode of 1N540x series. It is a general purpose diode with many good features which makes it ideal to use in wide variety of general purpose applications. For example it is capable of handling maximum 3A or 3000mA of current across it.
It is manufactured in DO201 package that is a slightly bigger package from DO-41 but can be used in replacement of many DO-41 diodes if slightly bigger space is available.
It is also an ideal diode if you are looking for a little bit more ampere handling capabilities as compare to DO-41 diodes for example 1N4007, 1N4148 etc. In most applications you can replace these diodes with 1N5408 to get more forward current.
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